I have recently as in 15 min ago uploaded some new minecraft footage nothing spectacular but it also has some info about things going on in my life including my upcoming Vivarium build I will be doing with the help of my Uncle who without him this would not be possible but its also an update on my house im building in single player and an unlikely friend that I made who will be there through thick and thin to save my life if ever the need comes!
Check out my latest videos!
Oh also I got a flip camera and I put up a test video now i'm very happy with my No edit type of videos and blogging but i fear i may need to clean it up a bit when things start to get to long But not to much but i will be working on an intro!!! well as far as clean it up i meant with video length but ill just try and keep it short but not to short while not editing it and stuff. so yeah!
Check out my latest videos!
Leland's Cranium!
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